Nana Meriwether
Dec 16, 2018
Week 50 | Get That Glow: Unusual Beauty Tips for Men and Women
--Audio Guide-- At Burning Man this year - as all good stories start - I met a now dear friend Zach. He was like the dad from My Big...

Jul 11, 2018
Week 28 | Did You Know Men Have Cycles Too? And For Women, Based on Your Hormones Here is the Best T
--Audio Guide-- This week is about learning to use our bodies as a tool to master the environment around you (Forbes). The ebbs and flows...

Nana Meriwether
Jun 6, 2018
Week 23 | Got (Plant-Based) Milk?: A Full List of Pros and Cons of Different Types of Plant Based Mi
--Audio Guide -- Does anyone drink real milk anymore? Dairy has certainly been a staple in the American diet. The USDA guidelines...

Nana Meriwether
May 9, 2018
Week 19 | Nature Deficit Disorder and The Negative Effects of Not Spending Time In Nature
Did you know that the average American spends over 10 hours a day in front of a screen? That is almost half the day! (Nielsen). In...

Apr 18, 2018
Week 16 | Heal My Heart So I Can Feel Again: Ghosting, Simmering, Icing and Other Modern Day Break U
--Audio Guide-- One of my favorite songs right now has a line, ‘heal my heart so I can feel again’, and I guess it summarizes perfectly...