Nana Meriwether
Jan 27, 2019
Year 2, Week 4 | Man vs. Woman
There is an error in considering men and women equal. We do not 'equal each other'. British writer William Golding helps to explain,...

Nana Meriwether
Jun 6, 2018
Week 23 | Got (Plant-Based) Milk?: A Full List of Pros and Cons of Different Types of Plant Based Mi
--Audio Guide -- Does anyone drink real milk anymore? Dairy has certainly been a staple in the American diet. The USDA guidelines...

Nana Meriwether
May 31, 2018
Week 22 | The Power of Community: How to Make Friends
--Audio Guide-- I went to the same school from 1st grade to senior year of high school and throughout it I had had a crush on this boy,...

Apr 18, 2018
Week 16 | Heal My Heart So I Can Feel Again: Ghosting, Simmering, Icing and Other Modern Day Break U
--Audio Guide-- One of my favorite songs right now has a line, ‘heal my heart so I can feel again’, and I guess it summarizes perfectly...

Nana Meriwether
Apr 11, 2018
Week 15 | A Low Carb Lad and Lady Walk Into a Bar...: A List of The Best Types of Wine, Beer, Liquor
In week 7, I covered how sugar promotes for the retention of fat in the body. Recent studies have gone as far as to link sugar to cancer...