Nana Meriwether
May 9, 2018
Week 19 | Nature Deficit Disorder and The Negative Effects of Not Spending Time In Nature
Did you know that the average American spends over 10 hours a day in front of a screen? That is almost half the day! (Nielsen). In...
Apr 18, 2018
Week 16 | Heal My Heart So I Can Feel Again: Ghosting, Simmering, Icing and Other Modern Day Break U
--Audio Guide-- One of my favorite songs right now has a line, ‘heal my heart so I can feel again’, and I guess it summarizes perfectly...
Nana Meriwether
Apr 11, 2018
Week 15 | A Low Carb Lad and Lady Walk Into a Bar...: A List of The Best Types of Wine, Beer, Liquor
In week 7, I covered how sugar promotes for the retention of fat in the body. Recent studies have gone as far as to link sugar to cancer...
Mar 28, 2018
Week 13 | Put Your Darn Phone Down: It’s Scientifically Proven That Your Digital Device Is Ruining Y
(Audio Guide) I know a guy who when he goes on a first date, he leaves his phone at home. How wonderful and rare! In fact, when was the...
Nana Meriwether
Mar 21, 2018
Week 12 | A Convincing Argument and Surprising New Way to Meditate
Beneath Ai Wei Wei's Tree #11 (Audio Guide) I will admit, I am new to this meditation thing. With noted benefits that sitting still with...